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Our book

The effective and speedy transition of a retrenched employee to a desired outcome depends on many things; well-defined goals and realistic objectives are essential, with their achievement being largely dependent upon the approach of the individual.

Based on the premise that retrenchment is not the “end” of the road but, indeed, a “bend” in the road, the book provides the reader with  practical advice on how to re-establish themselves through a journey of self-discovery and accomplishment. 


Following the four phases of Separation, Preparation, Communication and Negotiation, this self-help book also forms the foundation of the DMA Group's Outplacement & Career Transition programmes, which have evolved since their first implementation in 2002 and are conducted with employees who are affected by retrenchment. 

New in this edition:

  • An “Action Steps” section at the end of each chapter, helping the reader stay focused on completing important tasks as they navigate their way through career transition

  • 10 new sample “Summary” sections of a CV, aimed at assisting the reader with developing their own, to be used in their proactive and reactive job search techniques

  • Exploring interim and temporary roles – helping the reader understand the benefits, to both themselves and their prospective employer

  • Starting your own business - What to consider when thinking of "going on your own"

  • Some commonly asked interview questions and how they should be answered, including the P-A-R approach


The book is priced at R190 per copy (excl VAT & delivery). 


If you order a book you will also receive a free copy of “Answers to Managers’ Questions about Retrenchment & Outplacement”, emailed to you in pdf format.

To order your copies, please order from any of the online portals.

Alternatively, please contact us here.

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